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Country Lovers

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[ Updated members list ]

CL News

- First of all, The original site is currently being updated by Guardian knight. Any questions or concerns regarding that site, should be addressed to him.

-This site is still under construction but I feel it is coming along quite nice. One addition I'm proud of is the jukebox. Due to space, I can only have about three songs at a time on here. If you have any special requests, feel free to let me know by either contacting me via messy or e-mail, or you can use the shout box located on the contact page. There are also videos located within the jukebox. These I can have a few more of than songs, So let me know what you want to see.

-Rules have recently been updated, so members, please take a second and read over them.

-if you are a couple within the family, please send me your pic as a couple or separately so I can get them posted.

- If you know of anybody personally who was lost in a war and would like it posted on this site, please let me know. (yes, I can post pics)

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